
amazon-vpc-cni-k8s是AWS基于VPC CNI的k8s网络插件,有着高性能及高度灵活的优点。项目地址: https://github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s


1. AWS VPC CNI Agent node部分


1.1 SetupHostNetwork

针对host网络和主网卡Primary ENI做一些配置,Primary ENI: 主机的默认网卡,默认一般为eth0。

  1. 如果启用ipv4和支持node port,设置RP Filter:
// 启用ConfigureRpFilter,设置net.ipv4.conf.{primaryIntf}.rp_filter为2
primaryIntfRPFilter := "net/ipv4/conf/" + primaryIntf + "/rp_filter"
echo 2 > primaryIntfRPFilter
  1. 设置Primary eni网卡的mtu:
ip link set dev <link> mtu MTU
  1. 先删除main表里优先级为1024的rule
// If this is a restart, cleanup previous rule first
ip rule del fwmark 0x80/0x80 pref 1024 table main
  1. 如果启用node port支持,添加基于fwmark的路由策略:
// defaultConnmark is the default value for the connmark described above. Note: the mark space is a little crowded,
// - kube-proxy uses 0x0000c000
// - Calico uses 0xffff0000.
// defaultConnmark = 0x80
ip rule add fwmark 0x80/0x80 pref 1024 table main
  1. 如果启用ipv4且启用pod eni,则:
// Add new rule with higher priority
// 添加table为255的优先级为20策略路由
ip rule add pref 20 table local

// 删除table为255的优先级为0的策略路由
ip rule del pref 0 table local
  1. 创建snat的iptables规则,这里省略

1.2 setupENINetwork

setupENINetwork为非Primary ENI的弹性网卡配置网络,每块弹性网卡都有一个主IP+N个辅助IP

eniName: 主机的默认网卡,默认一般为eth0+x,X为网卡序号,如eth1

  1. 设置eni网卡的mtu
ip link set dev <eniName> mtu MTU
  1. 让eni网卡up
ip link set dev <eniName> up
  1. 删除eni网卡上所有已经存在的ip地址
ip add del <eniIP> dev <eniName> (if necessary)
  1. 设置eni网卡的ip
// eniIP: primary IP of that ENI
ip add add <eniIP> dev <eniName>
  1. 在deviceNumber + 1路由表里,删除已经存在默认路由,添加默认路由指向eni子网的网关
// tableNumber := deviceNumber + 1
// gw: 网关为Eni IP子网的第二个IP地址
// Add a direct link route for the host is ENI IP only
ip route add <gw>/32 scope link  dev <eniName> table tableNumber

// Route all other traffic via the host is ENI IP
// tableNumber := deviceNumber + 1
// gw: 网关为Eni IP子网的第二个IP地址
ip route add scope 0 via <gw> dev <eniName> table tableNumber

// 在main路由表里删除源地址为eniIP,目标地址为eniSubnetCIDR的路由
ip route del eniSubnetCIDR src eniIP scope link table main 

2. AWS CNI二进制文件


2.1 cmdAdd

  1. grpc请求"/rpc.CNIBackend/AddNetwork"调用ipam分配ip

  2. 构建hostVethName

// build hostVethName
// Note: the maximum length for linux interface name is 15
// 返回veth网卡名字,{conf.VethPrefix}+{hash({namespace}.{pod name})前10位}
// VethPrefix is the prefix to use when constructing the host-side
// veth device name. It should be no more than four characters, and
// defaults to 'eni'.
// 如: eni1234567890
  1. 创建veth和容器内网卡,绑定容器网卡ip地址,容器内设置路由和其他内核参数
// Clean up if hostVeth exists.
// 如果hostVethName网卡存在,删除宿主机网卡hostVethName
ip link del <oldlink>

4.以下步骤在POD network namespce内执行

1) 创建网卡

// createVethContext.contVethName:调用CNI二进制文件时传过来的网卡名:一般为eth0
ip link add {createVethContext.contVethName} type veth peer name {createVethContext.hostVethName} /* on host namespace */

2) 启动网卡

ip link set dev {createVethContext.hostVethName} up
ip link set dev {createVethContext.contVethName} up

3) 添加路由

// Add a connected route to a dummy next hop ( or fe80::1)
// # ip route show
// default via dev eth0
// dev eth0
// scope link = scope 253
ip route add scope link dev {createVethContext.contVethName}

// Add a default route via dummy next hop( or fe80::1). Then all outgoing traffic will be routed by this
// default route via dummy next hop ( or fe80::1)
// 添加默认路由
// scope 0 = scope universe
ip route add scope 0 via

4) 给容器里的网卡绑定ip

// $addr: 调用ipam分配ip
ip addr add $addr dev <createVethContext.contVethName>

5) 添加arp表

// $addr: gateway ip
// $mac: hostVeth.Attrs().HardwareAddr
ip neigh add $addr lladdr $mac nud permanent dev <createVethContext.contVethName>

6) 将host端网卡移动到host命名空间

// veth into the host namespace.
// * move {createVethContext.hostVethName} to Pod's namespace hostNS */
ip link set {createVethContext.hostVethName} netns {hostNS} 
  1. 启动host网卡
// Explicitly set the veth to UP state, because netlink doesn't always do that on all the platforms with net.FlagUp.
// veth won't get a link local address unless it's set to UP state
ip link set dev {createVethContext.hostVethName} up
  1. 添加用于host上访问pod的路由
// Add or replace route
// $addr: 调用ipam分配ip
ip route add $addr/32 dev {hostVethName} scope link /* add host route */
  1. 添加用于访问pod流量的路由策略
// $addr: 调用ipam分配ip
// 512:	from all to lookup main
ip rule del to $addr/32 pref 512 table main
ip rule add to $addr/32 pref 512 table main

// add from-pod rule, only need it when it is not primary ENI
// <tableNumber>里的路由应该是在ipam中添加的,不是cni插件
if deviceNumber > 0 {
	// add rule: 1536: from <podIP> use table <table>
	// $addr: 调用ipam分配ip
	// tableNumber := deviceNumber + 1
	// deviceNumber: 调用ipam分配ip时取到的
	// 1536: from to all lookup <tableNumber>
	ip rule del from $addr/32 pref 1536 table tableNumber
	ip rule add from $addr/32 pref 1536 table tableNumber

3. 参考文件

  • AWS 弹性网卡参考


  • cni文档

https://github.com/containernetworking/cni/blob/spec-v1.0.0/SPEC.md https://www.cni.dev/docs/

  • libcni库

https://github.com/containernetworking/cni/tree/main/scripts https://www.cni.dev/docs/spec-upgrades/#specific-guidance-for-plugins-written-in-go

  • cni调用原理

http://www.noobyard.com/article/p-mjmyxamv-ob.html https://blog.csdn.net/shida_csdn/article/details/79752411 https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000019956620 https://morningspace.github.io/tech/k8s-net-cni/