
Parsing of undecoded UTF-8 will give garbage when decoding entities at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/LWP/ line 114.

原因是: HTML::HeadParser模块在使用parse()方法时,对没有编码的UTF-8会弄混,要保证在传值之前进行适当的编码。 参考:





#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# check_squid - Nagios check plugin for testing a Squid proxy
# Christoph Haas (
# License: GPL 2
# V0.2

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST GET);
use HTTP::Headers;
use strict;

my (url, urluser, urlpass, proxy, proxyport,
        proxyuser, proxypass, expectstatus) = @ARGV;

unless (url && proxy && expectstatus)
        print Usage: url urluser urlpass proxy proxyport proxyuser proxypass expectstatusn;
                                print  url       -> The URL to check on the internet (";
                                print  urluser   -> Username if the web site required authentication (- = none)n;
                                print  urlpass   -> Password if the web site required authentication (- = none)n;
                                print  proxy     -> Server that squid runs on (proxy.mydomain)n;
                                print  proxyport -> TCP port that Squid listens on (3128)n;
                                print  proxyuser -> Username if the web site required authentication (- = none)n;
                                print  proxypass -> Password if the web site required authentication (- = none)n;
                                print  expectstatus -> HTTP code that should be returnedn;
                                print                   (2 = anything that begins with 2)n;
        exit -1;

urluser=’’ if urluser eq -;
urlpass=’’ if urlpass eq -;
proxyuser=’’ if proxyuser eq -;
proxypass=’’ if proxypass eq -;

my ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
ua->parse_head(0); //加入这行就好了

my h = HTTP::Headers->new();

if (proxy)
        ua->proxy([http, ftp], http://proxy:proxyport);

        if (proxyuser)

if (urluser)
        h->authorization_basic(urluser, urlpass);

my req = HTTP::Request->new(GET, url, h);

my res = ua->request(req);

if (res->status_line =~ /^expectstatus/)
        print OK - Status: .res->status_line.n;
        exit 0;
        print WARNING - Status: .res->status_line. (but expected expectstatus)n;
        exit 1;